Paddle Royale

This brainchild of mine was my pride and joy, back in college! The project called for inventing something new, naming it, branding it, designing packaging, point-of-sale, and a few ads. I chose to reinvent the ping-pong paddle and make it something worth bragging about!


The target demographic I chose was young, millennial adults. Marketing for the product was centered around the idea of reclaiming the ping-pong ball back from beer pong.


Players would also be able to press the point counter button (under their thumb), each time they scored. The accompanying charging dock (below) would keep count, all while bumping players’ tunes through the built-in speaker! 


Above, are some pop-up print ads that could be set up around a college campus during tournaments or even outside retail locations.


The whole aesthetic would be customizable, from the grip to the paddle's print.

The logo’s crest could also double as its own mark, when a touch of branding is required.

The logo’s crest could also double as its own mark, when a touch of branding is required.


Preset paddle packs would be created in collaboration with a variety of artists and sold in-store. Completely custom paddles could be sold online.


As shown above and below, the elements of the crest could be sprinkled into ads, to entice newcomers to learn more about the product.


Lastly, below is a collage of miscellaneous, branded collateral that could be utilized during tournaments. For example, a stamp to enter, some merchandise for spectators, and a prize bundle for the winner to take home!


More Branding Work